Thursday, July 2, 2009

Answer boards and social searching

I visited the Answer Board Librarians wiki and viewed the “Exemplary Answers” section.
The answers section was extremely interesting - one could spend hours and hours and .... just perusing and wandering off on tangents.

There were some very clever Signatures and Taglines that could be, perhaps, "borrowed" to use in our own library.

Consider if there is a role for your library in “slamming the boards”:-
There's always a role in any library for this kind of forum - but there is the perennial problem in our library of human resources - not enough people and not enough time (unfortunately).
The first that I'd heard of this forum was during a seminar at the State Library of NSW where it was enthusiastically demonstrated to us by a reference librarian from Faifield Library - very informative, very entertaining.

In what ways might your customers like to rate or review items in the collection or services you offer?
Some of our patrons would probably greatly enjoy this aspect, but probably the majority of patrons wouldn't be bothered - they just wish to dash in and dash out with their bag of books, DVDs etc.
However, there is now the opportunity, on our online catalogue, for interested patrons to review particular titles - but I'm not aware if anyone has done so yet. Probably a bit of advertising would be all that is needed to get them started.
Maybe this is the direction we should be following .....

1 comment:

  1. I think advertising the review option is a great idea - you might even want to run a promotion (with prizes) for the 'best' review.

    Ellen (PLS)
