Thursday, July 16, 2009


It turns out, that Mashups were not an unknown to me, but I was unaware of what they were called.

I have used Google Maps a lot (predominently for personal use) and the "Street Views" are fantastic. It's a pity that this particular part of the application only seems to be operational in this part of the world (Australia). Or do they only work for the part of the world that you live in?

As a work application, we are already using Google Maps to advertise where our Mobile Library stops are situated.

Look at:-
and click onto the picture of our Mobile Library.

I'll have to go look at London: a life in Google maps in my own time - it looks absolutely fascinating - Hmmm, off on another tangent yet again!

I explored Keir Clarke's Star Viewer using the new 'sky' option in the Google Maps API and found it quite interesting, but I can't really see any use for it in our library, except for an "interest" point of view, of course.

However, as I stated before, we are already using Google Maps on our own Library webpage.

I took a look at BigHugeLabs but there were no instructions on what to do to create your own Mashups - do you have to sign up, or what?
A few, more explicit, instructions in the 2.0 training session would be appreciated, please, especially as this is a "work" area where we may be blocked from using certain applications / email addresses by our I.T. department.
I believe other libraries also have similar problems in this area.

So, yet another interesting week.
Off to look at old London Town - not now (unfortunately), but later on maybe .....

1 comment:

  1. I think you can just use the BigHugeLabs - you may need to use your Flickr login. Try it and see, and post your mash up to your blog.

