Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tagging and so forth

My experience and thoughts about using this tool in libraries:-
Well, it was yet another interesting exercise - not quite as daunting as I thought it would be, but a bit more complicated than the "blurb" would have you believe - joining up has altered a bit since the Training Notes were written and being aware of which "provider" (e.g. Internet Explorer 6 or 7, Firefox, etc.) you belong to is also confusing!!

Can I see the potential of this tool for research assistance?
I can see the potential, but it would need a full-time "user" to do so in our library and we don't have the privilege of that - severe understaffing in almost all areas.

Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere?
I tend to believe (in my/our circumstances) it seems to be a convenient way to access bookmarks from anywhere.
Hmmmm, I think I might pursue this avenue in my own time with all the "millions" of bookmarks that I have on my home computer ....

To see my bookmarks, visit

Checked out Technorati but found it very difficult to navigate around - didn't have the time to spare to investigate where things were kept.

Also looked around LibraryThing (which we use on our Library catalogue, so wasn't completely "alien" to me) - again, I can see a couple of more personal uses (what I've read in a particular genre/by a particular author, etc)
Hmmmm, Ditto to comment above about bookmarks at home ....

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